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Monday, September 12, 2011

Ten Essential Things To Do When You Visit Tonga

You may not have heard of Tonga, but if you are an adventure buff, then you are definitely in for a treat. Tonga comprises of 150 islands, 36 of which are inhabited and lived by people. These islands are very small but offer very big in terms of tourism and enjoyment. Also, you will surely love to try the customs of Tonga.

Marriage Ceremonies

To maximize the thrill of the experience, make sure that you attend at least one marriage ceremony in Tonga. This should not be very hard as Tongans are very accommodating and will be more than willing to invite you in their ceremonies and festivities. Marriage ceremonies in Tonga are very much sensationalized, and you will love to attend one.

Tongan Food

The way Tongans eat their food is surely very different from the way you eat yours. Given that, you must not forget to try the local foods found in Tonga. One is the Lu Pulu - corned beef with a kick of coconut cream and cooked with taro leaves. There are also local beverages in Tonga, like the kava, made out of pepper plant.

Tongan Customs

The customs in Tonga are very native and unique. In here, you will find the people to be very congenial and convivial. Make sure that you try to assimilate their cultures because customs are highly regarded in Tonga, and you surely don't want to forget this, lest you offend a Tongan native.


In Tonga, the most popular sport is rugby. Whether or not you are a rugby player, make sure that you play this sport in Tonga. The experience will be very different from your native country, given the Tongan environment in which rugby is played.

Tongan Beaches

Logically, Tonga is home to a lot of beaches. By a lot, that means that of the 150 Tongan islands, at least half of those have accessible beaches. Here, you can have activities such as sun bathing, playing or even having a picnic with your family.

Animal Life

Though animals are not aplenty in Tonga, they are nevertheless given prime importance. Flying foxes and iguanas are found everywhere. You may even try them as exotic foods; however, this practice is well discouraged.

Island Hopping

If you are an adventurous person and you love the thought of going from one island to the other, then Tonga is definitely the best place for you. The islands in Tonga are quite near each other. The best thing to do is that you can take a boat from one island to the other, allowing the thrill and fun of island hopping.

Fun Water Activities

In Tonga, it's all about having fun. And what's more fun than surfing in the Pacific? The tides in Tonga are perfect for such fun water activities which you should try out, and also, you can try water skiing or riding water canoes in these place as these will be fun for you and your family.

Scuba Diving in Tonga

Another fun water activity you can try in Tonga is scuba diving. Now, why is scuba diving in Tonga very different than in other places? Simply because Tonga is situated in the far bottom side of the Pacific Ocean, sea wildlife is very much abundant where you can get to see very rare water species as well as amazing coral formations through your own eyes.

Mountain Activities

Volcanoes and mountains are aplenty in Tonga. This allows you to have an ultimate mountain trekking experience. In Tonga, such activities are managed at a very safe basis, and you can also get to see volcanoes at a very near vantage point.

Hopping Island


Tongan Food

Tongan Beaches

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